Old friends returning for a visit to Fairbanks make a great excuse to get outside. In this case, it was a reason to escape for an overnight cabin trip into the White Mountains National Recreation Area north of Fairbanks. The small group of us (4 adults and an 8-year old) headed up Tuesday. I was riding my fat-bike the 7 miles into Lee’s Cabin, while the others would venture in on skis. The trails were superb, hard packed and smooth. I sailed into the cabin in well under an hour and got the little place warmed up with a blazing fire in the barrel stove, and had the chance to explore a bit nearby, while I waited for the others.
The sun was bright and some high clouds flattened the light, so the camera did not escape its case until the evening. Just after dusk, when blue still hung thick in the sky, a band of aurora appeared to the north. It was a quick display, lasting only a few minutes before fading, but I managed to make a few images during the narrow window. I was hoping for a great booming display, but despite many checks over night, it didn’t reappear.
It doesn’t really matter, time in the backcountry with friends was the real reason for the trip.
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