Canon 5d Mark III, tripod, 17-40 f4L, f4.0, 5sec, ISO 800.
I always find it difficult to return from a trip abroad. There is something about the jet-lag, the exhaustion from hours of travel, and the return to normal life that always leads to malaise and feeling mentally disjunct. Right now, less than 48 hours since stepping off the plane, the fog has barely lifted. I’m working on the long task of editing, renaming, and filing images. There are thousands to go through, more than half of which are going straight into the trash, while a large proportion of the remainder will end up there eventually as I sort through near-duplicates for the best and delete the rest. It’s a long and tedious process.
Both of these images I made at a small family farm, the Finca Santa Anita, located in a small town about 30 minutes south of Salta, Argentina. These were taken a few minutes apart, the top image of the courtyard and asado (Argentine BBQ) behind the colonial era house. The second image, below, is the front of the house. These were made just as the very last light of the day was fading from the sky.
More images to come, and don’t forget to check in on my Facebook page where I’ve been posting some additional shots.
Canon 5D Mark III, 17-40 f4L, tripod, f4.0, 15sec, ISO 800.
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