I have a hard time with the in-between seasons. It’s a rough time of year, this late autumn, early winter, or whatever it is you choose to call it. The leaves are off the trees, littered across the ground like…
Aurora Season Begins

I have a hard time with the in-between seasons. It’s a rough time of year, this late autumn, early winter, or whatever it is you choose to call it. The leaves are off the trees, littered across the ground like…
For a trip that was dominated by gray skies, I find it ironic that many of my images from the Noatak are anchored in the color blue. It’s not the bright blue of a clear-day sky, rather it is the…
After 17 days of canoeing, hiking, photography, rain and wind dodging, and wildlife watching in the western Brooks Range I’m back in Fairbanks. The trip was…. well the trip was… It was kinda… It was a bit of everything. The…
Rarely have I found the skull of a cow caribou, but it seems that almost every trip I lead into the Brooks Range I find a bull caribou skull complete with spreading antlers. This one, my group and I found…