Yesterday I added a new camera to my quiver. Well actually it’s not a new camera, in fact, its substantially older than I am. It’s a Zeiss Ikon Ikofelx Favorit, a Twin Lens Reflex Camera made sometime between 1957 and…
Aurora Greeting Cards! Limited Availability
Finally available is this limited edition run of Aurora Borealis greeting cards! 15 dollars for five cards featuring 5 of my favorite images of the aurora. You can find these for sale on the Wild Imagination Stock Catalog. Find…
The Wild Imagination Newsletter
In order to keep in touch with my writing/guiding/photography clients, friends, and fans, I’ve decided to create a rare and occasional newsletter. It will be published about 3 or 4 times a year and will include news on recent trips,…
Gates of the Arctic Artist in Residence!
I’ve just accepted the position as Gates of the Arctic National Park’s 2013 Artist in Residence! At some point this summer I’ll be accompanying a park service patrol and given the freedom to explore and photograph. It is going to…