Wild Imagination Journal

Lens Review: Rokinon 14mm f2.8

Lens Review: Rokinon 14mm f2.8

Aurora image made using the Rokinon 14mm f2.8. A year ago, I’d never heard of Rokinon. But, like wildfire, the Rokinon (and their lenses marketed under other brand names) spread across the internet. Statements like “extremely sharp”, “great for the…

Sky Lights

I’m afraid I’ve neglected the blog over the past few weeks, and yes, I’m feeling extremely guilty about that. I’ll try to get back on a regular posting schedule again soon. In the mean time here are some photos from…

New Publication

A piece I wrote on the conservation success and challenges of Bolvia’s Yacuma Pampas was just published in the British conservation journal The Ecologist. It’s a bit more journalistic in style than some of my previous work. Find it right…

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