Wild Imagination Photography
Images from a Big World by David Shaw Home Tours
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   I wish that images could speak. I wish that photographs of people, animals, even the landscapes could share their stories. The best images come close, like the landscapes of Michio Hoshino, the modern cultural portraits of Phil Borges, or the emotive faces of Dorothea Lange. These artists have done more than document, they have created something powerful that raises emotions in their viewers.
    It is these emotions that make images effective, not only as art, but as tools for social change or environmental conservation. This is where photography becomes more than an art. It becomes an instrument for making the world better. That, and my love for the art, are why I shoot.
    I do not pretend to be as capable as the fine artists I noted above. Not all of my images, not even most perhaps, tell their stories as they should. My writing helps to fill these gaps. But I write not only to tell the stories of my photos, but to tell the stories that exist only in my head.
    I live just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska in a little log cabin, off the grid. After ten years in interior Alaska, I consider this place my home. I have a masters degree in wildlife biology and have worked for years as a field biologist. But I’m a wanderer at heart and I’ve had the opportunity to travel widely within Alaska, Central and South America, Asia, and Antarctica. There are more travels to come and more stories to tell. In the mean time, explore this site. You can read some of my published work HERE, learn more about my writing HERE, navigate my photo galleries HERE, read my blog HERE, check out some of the natural history and photo tours I offer HERE, and if you’d like more information about me or just want to drop me a line click HERE. Thanks for stopping by.
Photo courtesy of Sharon Cummings