Wild Imagination Photography
Images from a Big World by David Shaw Home Tours About Contact Blog Writing Writing
    Writing about writing is no easy task. So rather than try to impress you all with my literary prowess in this short blurb, I’ll instead resort to the facts:
    I write generally natural history, travel, and photography skills pieces for consumer magazines. I prefer to write in a first person narrative because I think it is more engaging, plus it’s the way I think. Though I think of myself as both a writer and a photographer, I publish both independently from one another and so not all of my articles are accompanied by my images. I publish regularly in a variety of magazines, the list of which is expanding. I’m a regular contributor at Birds and Blooms Magazine and my work has also appeared in Shutterbug, Traditional Bowhunter, Bird Watcher’s Digest, and Birder’s World. You can check out a full list of my publications with downloadable pdfs HERE.
If you’ve got an assignment that you think will fit my skills, then please contact me HERE. I’m always ready to tackle new writing challenges whether they require, research, travel, or just imagination.